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The Implementation!

Elektrostatmålning Liten

When we start a reconditioning, we always start by going through the documentation that is available on the table or chair. Factors such as how easy the furniture is to disassemble and its stability are crucial for whether there are good conditions for a successful reconditioning. Therefore, we will ask for pictures from different angles and other questions we need answers to. It is also important that we clarify what you want to do with the furniture early in the process.
If you have used our service RekondAnalysis, you have already captured the pictures and questions we need answers to, and we can quickly get started with the reconditioning itself.
The practical reconditioning is carried out in two steps, which you can read about below.
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carl Bengt

step 1

The Craftsmanship

The first piece of furniture requires the knowledge and experience of a craftsman. Can we repaint it as planned? Does it have good stability so it can last another 10 years? How do we go about veneering this board? How do we achieve the same shades as on the project's new furniture?
We proceed cautiously with the first piece of furniture. It can take time. Here we ensure a good approach for a successful reconditioning of the furniture

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step 2


Once we have tested a good way to recondition the furniture, it is time to put them into production. Now we will industrially produce good reconditioning of the furniture with the first piece of furniture as a starting point. Here we ensure that the cost does not get out of hand and that we coordinate colors and materials with the new furniture so that the customer experiences it as a unit.

Terms of Business Reconditioning

We provide a 2-year warranty on performed reconditioning work and supplied material. This does not apply to customer-selected fabrics and colors.
You get a 5% discount if you have completed our RekondAnalysis.
The delivery time is 6 weeks from the time we have received all the furniture.
Payment terms are 25% at the start of the project, 75% net 30 days.

Minimum volumes chairs; 20 pieces of the same furniture type.
Minimum volumes tables; 5 pieces of the same furniture type.
The minimum volumes do not apply if the furniture has been manufactured by Lundbergs Möbler. Prices for reconditioning of these can be found in our own current price list.


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