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Hjul med broms Studio
Hjul med broms Studio-4 hjul

Wheels for table with brakes

With wheels, it's easy to move the table. Especially nice if it's an environment where the tables are moved around often or if it's a slightly heavier table. You can easily lock the wheels and in that way make the table stand steady during use.

Height 95 mm for StandByMe and Arko and Arko Grande.

Height 65 mm for Nesso and Studio.


  • Height 95 mm
  • Height 65 mm
Hjul med broms Studio
Hjul med broms Studio-4 hjul

Wheels for table with brakes

With wheels, it's easy to move the table. Especially nice if it's an environment where the tables are moved around often or if it's a slightly heavier table. You can easily lock the wheels and in that way make the table stand steady during use.

Height 95 mm for StandByMe and Arko and Arko Grande.

Height 65 mm for Nesso and Studio.

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