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Webinar 27/10 - Sustainable Coloration

19 October 2023
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Welcome as we, together with color strategist, Hildur Blad, discuss sustainable colors in a webinar.

Is it possible to color furniture to withstand the test of time? Can today's color choices for a creative environment work for a place of recovery in 10 years? Can a color trend be sustainable?

Hear about this and much more on Friday 27/10 at 12-12:20!

Would you like to see this afterwards? You can find our upcoming and completed webinars HERE!

Hösten webbinarium med Lundbergs Möbler rubrikbild skapa en god miljö utan oljud



Where is noise and how does it affect us? How do you reduce noise, echo, and resonance? What absorbs sound? How do you find out where the problem with acoustics is and what small means can you use to reduce it?

Hear about this and much more when Zilenzio's Export Manager, Dennis Wirenborg, visits our webinar

Friday 17/11 at 12-12:20


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