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A world of tables and circular furniture flows at SFF23

31 January 2023
Studio rad 3 stol

Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023, booth C10:23

Details that allow tables to circulate, are our Superheroes. We call them Circularheroes.

Here you get to touch and feel our news Funghi and Studio as well as refurbished furniture.
Experience what can be done with our tables, today, tomorrow and in 2043.
Meet the designers of Funghi. Not least, you have the opportunity to meet our Circularheroes.

All this, at booth C10:23.

During the week you can also meet us outside the booth.

Tuesday, February 7. Drop in - Drop out, 7-11pm. Sajkla, open stage. Topic: Reuse.
Read more and sign up for the event, click here!

Thursday, February 9. Stockholm Furniture Fair Talks, Victoria Hall, 4-6pm. 100 Group, Spinning the wheel - From linear to circular
Read more about the event, click here!

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